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The club features trap fields with 16-yard singles, doubles, handicap and wobble.

Willow Wood holds both ATA sanctioned competition and Leagues. Please refer to the Calendar for scheduled competitions.

Trap Shooting

The 5 Stand, American Field Sporting and FITASC fields are three different variations of Sporting Clays available at Willow Wood and provide an opportunity for beginners and advanced shooters to experience the opportunity to enjoy this growing sport. 


Willow Wood holds both NSCA sanctioned competition and Leagues. Please refer to the Calendar for scheduled competitions.

Sporting Clays


Please note there is a $10 Guest Fee on Thursdays and Sundays.

Shooting at Willow Wood


Thursday through Sunday: 10 am - 5* pm

*6 pm during Daylight Savings Time

Member Pricing

Per Round Trap: $7.50

5-Stand: $8.00

Ammo for clay shooting is available for purchase

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